Teaching with Tenderness
I made this zine to start articulating all that I put into my teaching. It include my drawings, musings, and some testimonials from my beloved students.
I’d love to know what you think of it. Please write any responses to hello@drawingtheinsideout.ca
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This physical zine ships from Ktaqmkuk also known as Newfoundland, by Canada Post, which is stupidly expensive. I’ll send you some stickers to make up for it?
I made this zine to start articulating all that I put into my teaching. It include my drawings, musings, and some testimonials from my beloved students.
I’d love to know what you think of it. Please write any responses to hello@drawingtheinsideout.ca
= = = = =
This physical zine ships from Ktaqmkuk also known as Newfoundland, by Canada Post, which is stupidly expensive. I’ll send you some stickers to make up for it?
I made this zine to start articulating all that I put into my teaching. It include my drawings, musings, and some testimonials from my beloved students.
I’d love to know what you think of it. Please write any responses to hello@drawingtheinsideout.ca
= = = = =
This physical zine ships from Ktaqmkuk also known as Newfoundland, by Canada Post, which is stupidly expensive. I’ll send you some stickers to make up for it?